Viewer comment: I recently bought a djembe in the hopes to self teach and have found it hard to get good beginner videos on youtube and also videos that give me good rhythms that I can play alongside other instruments….Your videos are the best videos I have found on youtube yet to help me, absolutely brilliant!…thank you!
Free djembe lessons and tips for beginners (on YouTube):
Basic Djembe Technique and Vocabulary (3:27)
How to Wear a Djembe Strap (2:39)
How to Tighten and Tune a Djembe (5:02)
Viewer comment: Excellent! I went form having no clue, to having a tightened and tuned djembe in minutes! Thank-you!
Universal Break for 4/4 rhythms (5:11)
Basic 4/4 Djembe Accompaniment: Kuku (3:19)
Basic 4/4 Djembe Accompaniment: Passport (4:04)
Basic 4/4 Djembe Accompaniment: Sunu, Kassa (4:08)
Djembe Solo Technique: basic 4/4 rolls (4:53)
Standard Breaks for 6/8 rhythms (3:12)
Basic 6/8 Djembe Accompaniments (3:36)
Slow 6/8 rhythm: Yankadi – 2 djembe parts (3:36)
Djembe Solo Technique: basic 6/8 rolls (2:59)
Dunun Lessons Playlist
How to Play Ballet Duns – most popular patterns
Notation for ballet duns patterns in YouTube lessons (free PDF)
How to Play Dununs: Basic Technique & Patterns (10:19)
Kenkeni Part for Dununba Rhythms (6:14)